Who We Are
Houseability is a registered charity providing housing information, advice and advocacy to people with disabilities or long- term health problems, living in or wishing to relocate to Aberdeenshire.
Our promise to clients
- We will take time to listen to and understand your issue.
- We will offer relevant and impartial information and advice on your housing options.
- We will support you to make informed choices based on your circumstances.
- We will undertake to represent your needs and aspirations through Advocacy.
What We Do
Free Independent Advice
We offer free and impartial information and advice to people with disabilities or long- term health conditions, their families and carers. The service is client-led and completely confidential.
Support Tailored to you
We understand that every individual has different circumstances and requirements which are unique to them and can be complex in nature. Therefore, our advice is tailored to the individual and specific to their situation.
We can visit you at home
A home visiting service is available to all clients for their convenience. This ensures that the service is accessible to all and that we can see first-hand the circumstances and difficulties our clients face in their current accommodation. Alternatively phone or office appointments can be arranged, or meetings at alternative venues.
Make a Donation
If you would like to make a donation to Houseability, so that it can continue helping people with disabilities find solutions to their housing needs, then we would be very grateful.
We see, first hand, the difference it makes to the clients we support and are ever grateful to those who support us. If you would like to support HOUSEABILITY by making a donation then you can do so using the PayPal function below.
We accept donations of between £5 - £1000 online. Standing orders can also be set up for smaller amounts over a set period of time. If you are interested in this then please contact us direct.
Currently, we have a contract with Aberdeenshire Council to deliver a Housing Information, Advice and Advocacy service to people with disabilities or long term health issues. Our current funding under this contract ends on the 30th June 2025. A re-tendering process will commence imminently. However, in order to prepare Houseability for re-tendering, we need to make IMMEDIATE changes to our service provision. These are;
- From now until 30th June 2025, we can only accept URGENT referrals
- Urgent referrals include delayed discharge patients in Aberdeenshire and Aberdeen hospitals AND people who have been assessed as homeless or threatened with homelessness
We apologise that we cannot accept any other type of referrals at present, but we must prioritise our limited staff resources in preparing and submitting our Tender response. If, we are successful in winning a new tender, Houseability will continue to provide the same excellent service we have provided for the last 22 years to people with disabilities or long-term health problems in Aberdeenshire.
We pay our staff Living Wage or above.